Department of Mathematics
Sapienza Università di Roma
Mathematical Physics
A cursory look at my CV
April 2023 - Today
Researcher (RTD-A in national denomination)
Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo"
Sapienza Università di Roma
Rome, Italy
SSD: MAT/07 (now MATH-04/A) - Mathematical Physics -
September 2021 - April 2023
Post-doc researcher
Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo"
Sapienza Università di Roma
Rome, Italy
SSD: MAT/07 (now MATH-04/A) - Mathematical Physics -
March 2020 - February 2021
Post-doc researcher
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi"
Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy
SSD: MAT/07 (now MATH-04/A) - Mathematical Physics -
February 2019 - January 2020
Research fellow
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi"
Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy
SSD: MAT/07 (now MATH-04/A) - Mathematical Physics
January 2016 - January 2019
Physics and Nanosciences
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi"
Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy
Thesis: Statistical mechanics for Artificial Intelligence: Learning, Retrieving, Unlearning and Sleeping
Refs: Adriano Barra, Elena Agliari
October 2013 - October 2015
Theoretical and Fundamental Interactions Physics
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi"
Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy
Thesis: Higher-spin Lifshitz theories and integrable systems
Ref: Matteo Beccaria
September 2009 - October 2013
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi"
Università del Salento
Lecce, Italy
Thesis: Integrability in AdS/CFT
Ref: Matteo Beccaria
2018 - Today
National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM)
Section of Lecce (2018-2021) and Rome (2021-Today)
Subsection: Mechanics of discrete systems
2016 - 2017
GAuge Theory as Integrable System (GATIS)
INFN Section of Bologna
Member as PhD Student
Coordinators: Matteo Beccaria, Davide Fioravanti, Marco Rossi
2015 - 2021
National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Section of Theoretical Physics (CSN4), Lecce
2022 - 2024
Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo", Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT)
Faculty of Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen (NL)
During the period, I collaborated with the group coordinated by Prof. Anthony C. Coolen. The research subject has been focused on the development of an interpretable spin-glass theory for learning procedure of Restricted Boltzmann Machines. In particular, fundamental operating regimes (in terms of the hyperparameters of the training procedure) and glassy behavior has been analyzed, both theoretical and numerically.
2020 - 2023
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
National Council of Research (CNR-Nanotech), Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
During the period, I took part to the research activities of the CNR-Nanotech (Lecce) group coordinated by Dr. Loretta Del Mercato. The research activity consisted in theoretical modeling and statistical inference analysis for stroma-cancer interaction for estimating the capabilities of chemioterapic drugs to reduce metastic agglomeration of pancreatic tumors.
2019 - 2020
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
During the period, I took part to the research activities in the context of "MATCH-PYTHAGORAS" project (POR CALABRIA FESR/FSE 2014/2020), coordinated by Prof. Orazio Antonio Barra, in collaboration with the Cardiology Unit at Ascoli-Piceno Hospital. The research focused on statistical inference and machine learning tools for heart-rate variability analysis for realizing preventive diagnostic methods.
2017 - Today
Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo", Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT)
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
Since 2017, I have been collaborating with the group coordinated by Prof. Adriano Barra and Prof. Elena Agliari (Sapienza Università di Roma), with research line focusing on statistical-mechanics and spin-glass theory applications to Artificial Intelligence. Both of them were my PhD thesis supervisor. In 2021, I joined the Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo", becoming a permanent member of the group coordinated by Prof. Elena Agliari.
2016 - 2017
Department of Physics "Augusto Righi", Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna (IT)
Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
During the period, I joined the group of quantum field and string theories coordinated by Prof. Matteo Beccaria (Unisalento) as PhD student. Meanwhile, I collaborated to the research group coordinated by Prof. Davide Fioravanti (Alma Mater Studiorum). The research subjects involved the relation between supersymmetric gauge theories with classical and quantum integrable systems, and correspondence between supersymmetric gauge theories on deformed backgrounds and conformal field theories.
Visiting periods
16-23 January 2023
Alan Turing Institute, London (UK)
During the period, I attended the workshop "Physics-informed Machine-Learning", in which I took part to stimulating discussions about statistical mechanics of spin glasses and their application to Artificial Intelligence. I also gave a talk at the workshop about Dreaming Neural Networks and the possibility to extended the theory to Boltzmann Machines.
1-5 October 2018
Department of Mathematics, King's College London, London (UK)
Ref: Prof. Alessia Annibale
During the period, we discussed several topics in statistical mechanics of spin glasses, especially concerning the application of Machine Retrieval models to the theoretical modeling of biological processes. In this period, I also gave an invited talk. Finally, I also had the chance to discuss with brilliant researchers and professors, in particular with Prof. Reimer Kuhn.
2018 (often)
Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo", Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT)
Ref: Prof. Elena Agliari
During the period, we investigated unlearning theory for Machine Retrieval models. The discussions were crucial for the ideation and the theoretical investigation about Dreaming Neural Networks.
2016-2017 (often)
Department of Physics "Augusto Righi", Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna (IT)
Ref: Prof. Davide Fioravanti
During the period, we investigated the relation between supersymmetric gauge theory on deformed background with quantization of classical integrable systems.
Funded projects
Rigorous statistical mechanics for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Role: PI
Project funded by the National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM) in the context of "Progetto Giovani 2023".
Large scale multicomponent random systems
Role: partecipant
Ref: Prof. Vittoria Silvestri
Project funded by Sapienza Università di Roma as "Progetto di Ricerca Medio 2022".
Replica-symmetry breaking in modern Artificial Intelligence
Role: PI
Project funded by Sapienza Università di Roma as "Progetto di Avvio alla Ricerca 2022".
Rigorous approach to Deep Learning
Role: partecipant
Ref: Prof. Elena Agliari
Project funded by the National Group of Mathematical Physics (GNFM-INdAM) in the context of "Progetto Giovani 2018".
Selected talks to conferences and invited talks
January 2025
A random matrix approach to Hopfield-like neural networks: addressing generalization and overfitting
3rd Workshop of UMI Group Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Politecnico di Bari (IT) -
November 2024
Modeling information processing systems: a survey of statistical-mechanical results for bio-inspired neural networks
Online invited talk for Dipoppa Lab, Neuroscience group at UCLA (hosted by Matteo Mariani, PhD)
September 2024
Fundamental operating regimes, hyper-parameter fine-tuning and glassiness: towards an interpretable replica-theory for trained restricted Boltzmann machines
Roccella Jonica (IT)
January 2024
A Hopfield-like picture to address generalization and overfitting
Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
University Bocconi of Milano, Milano (IT)
May 2023
Retrieving, unlearning and learning: there and back again
Invited talk at the Department of Physics, Sapienza Università di Roma
Department of Physics, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT)
May 2023
Machine Learning from a spin-glass theory perspective
Invited talk at the workshop Stochastic Models for Complex Systems (SMOCS2023), Unisalento
Unisalento, Lecce (IT)
January 2023
Dreaming Neural Networks: pushing retrieval/learning capabilities to the limit by "sleeping" mechanism
Invited talk at the workshop Physics-informed machine learning workshop, Alan Turing Institute
Alan Turing Institute, London (UK)
November 2022
Dreaming Neural Networks: pushing retrieval/learning capabilities to the limit by "sleeping" mechanism
Matematica per l'Intelligenza Artificiale e il Machine Learning - Giovani ricercatori
Politecnico di Torino, Turin (UK)
July 2022
Dreaming Neural Networks: pushing retrieval/learning capabilities to the limit by "sleeping" mechanism
Invited talk at Unconventional Computation Workshop, organized at the Swansea University (WL)
Online talk
June 2022
PDE/Statistical Mechanics relation: from \(p\)-spin ferromagnets to dense associative memories
Invited talk at Department of Mathematics, Sapienza Università di Roma
Department of Mathematics, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT)
November 2021
Dreaming Neural Networks: dal richiamo automatico all'apprendimento
Invited talk for DFNM (Divulgazioni Notturne di Fisica Matematica), organized by GNFM
Online talk
September 2021
Dreaming Neural Networks: from retrieving to learning,
First Young Applied Mathematicians Conference (YAMC2021)
Leuca, Lecce (IT)
October 2018
Sleeping in Hopfield neural networks: some recent results
Invited talk at Department of Mathematics, King's College London
London (UK)
June 2017
Chiral trace relations in \(\Omega\)-deformed \(\mathcal N=2\) theories
Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena - “50 years of IST” (PMNP2017)
Gallipoli, Lecce (IT)
June 2017
Chiral trace relations in \(\Omega\)-deformed \(\mathcal N=2\) theories
XXVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries
Czech Technical University Prague, Prague (CZ)
November 2024 - September 2025
Co-organizer of the Summer School "Mathematical methods for high-dimensional data"
Department of Mathematics G. Castelnuovo, Sapienza Università di Roma
The school will open the thematic period on Data Science of the "Excellence program" for the Department of Mathematics: see the website.
Responsible for communication
Communication roles for the FAIR foundation, Spoke 5 (WP5.5) for the organization of scientific and dissemination events.
Organizer of scientific meetings
I covered organizing roles for the FAIR Spoke 5 scientific meeting, consisting in discussions and crossfertilization between working packages for the FAIR (Future Artificial Intelligence Research).
Other roles
Member of the Department Assembly
As a researcher, I am a member of the Department Assembly for the Department of Mathematics "Guido Castelnuovo" and the Faculty of Science, Sapienza Università di Roma.
Project reviewer
I have also been a project reviewer for the ISF.
Review Editor
Review editor for the journal Frontiers in Physics, in the subsection of "social physics".
Referee for high-impact journals
Among others: Nature Scientific Reports; Journal of Mathematical Physics; Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical; Neural Computation; Journal of Physics: Complexity; Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment; Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Truster reviewer
IOP Publishing Group.
Outstanding reviewer
IOP Publishing Group, for the contributions in reviewing activity for Journal of Physics: Complexity.
Special mention for the PhD thesis
The recognition was given by the selection board of the Sergio Fubini Prize 2021 (INFN).
Truster reviewer
IOP Publishing Group.
Conferences, schools and extra courses attended
2-6 September 2024
Jointly organized by Università Bocconi di Milano, Alma Mater Studiorum and ICTP
Roccella Ionica, Reggio Calabria (IT) -
31 January 2024
Dialogs on Neuronal Networks: Theoretical and Biological Perspectives
Organized by Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome (IT) -
17-19 January 2024
Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Jointly organized by UMI and Math AI&AL groups and Università Bocconi di Milano
Università Bocconi di Milano, Milano (IT) -
9 Octobre 2023
TMCF workshop: Physics-informed machine learning
Joint program between Unisalento, Università degli Studi di Salerno and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Online workshop -
12-16 June 2023
Mathematical Physics of Complex Systems
Organized with the support of GNFM-INdAM group
Cortona, Arezzo (IT) -
18-19 May 2023
Stochastic Models for Complex Systems (SMOCS2023)
Joint program between Unisalento, Università degli Studi di Salerno and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Unisalento, Lecce (IT) -
16-23 January 2023
Physics-informed machine learning
Joint organization between Sapienza Università di Roma, Unisalento, Alan Turing Institute
Alan Turing Institute, London (UK) -
2 December 2022
Interpolating maxima of rugged landscapes
Jointly organized by the Departmenta of Mathematics and Physics in Sapienza Università di Roma and the Department of Mathematics and Phyics in Unisalento
Department of Mathematics, Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome (IT) -
24-26 November 2022
Matematica per l’Intelligenza Artificiale e il Machine Learning - Giovani ricercatori
Organized the UMI group (Unione Matematica Italiana)
Politecnico di Torino, Turin (IT) -
27-29 September 2022
Round mean-field
Organized by the IAC-CNR (subsection of the National Council of Research) and Sapienza Università di Roma
IAC-CNR, Rome (IT) -
12-24 September 2022
Ravello Summer School on Mathematical Physics
Organized by GNFM-INdAM
Ravello (IT) -
4-29 July 2022
Les Houches summer school on Statistical Physics & Machine learning
Organized by Ecole des Physics des Houches (FR)
Les Houches (FR) -
25 May 2022
Cross fertilization between Physics and Mathematics
Organized in collaboration with the three universities based in Rome and the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome (IT) -
5-7 May 2022
Scientific Workshop of National Group of Mathematical Physics
Annual meeting organized by the GNFM
Montecatini Terme (IT) -
25 April-6 May 2022
Mathematics Meets Physics on Disordered Systems
Department of Physics, Sapienza Università di Roma
Cortona (IT) -
13-17 September 2021
First Young Applied Mathematicians Conference (YAMC2021)
Joint PhD Program in Mathematics Milano Bicocca-Pavia-INdAM, UniPV-USI International PhD Program In “Computational Mathematics And Decision Sciences”
Leuca, Lecce (IT) -
7-10 June 2021
Stochastic Models and Complex Systems (SMOCS2021)
Joint program between Unisalento, Università degli Studi di Salerno and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Online school because of COVID-19 restrictions -
November - December 2020
AI2S Julia Coursework
Luca Manzoni, University of Trieste
Online course -
1-2/7-8 July 2020
Stochastic models for complex systems (SMOCS2020)
Joint program between Unisalento, Università degli Studi di Salerno and Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Online due to COVID-19 restrictions -
27-28 April 2020
Mathematical Methods and Models in Machine Learning
Organized by the Department of Mathematics, Alma Mater Studiorum, Bologna
Online due to COVID-19 restrictions -
7-11 October 2019
Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Machine Learning
Organized by the Research Center Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa. Scuola Normale di Pisa, Pisa (IT) -
10-20 June 2019
Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Giorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa. Unisalento, Lecce (IT) -
18 May 2018
Scent of Copulas
Organized by the Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento, Lecce
Lecce (IT) -
17-24 June 2017
Physics and Mathematics of Nonlinear Phenomena - “50 years of IST” (PMNP2017)
Organized by the Department of Mathematics and Physics "Ennio De Giorgi", Unisalento
Gallipoli, Lecce (IT) -
3-8 September 2017
IV Mediterranean School of Complex Networks
Organized by the Complex Systems Society (CSS)
Università di Parma, Parma (IT) -
6-10 June 2017
XXVth International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS25)
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University Prague
Co-organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Prague (CZ) -
5-10 September 2016
Parma International School of Theoretical Physics (VII edition)
Università di Parma, Parma (IT) -
22-26 August 2016
Integrability in Gauge and String theory (IGST2016)
Humboldt Berlin University, Berlin (DE)
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A short scientific CV is available here.